1. The Greens work for the community, not big business.
The interests of a privileged, well-connected few have come to dominate NSW politics, as both Labor and Liberal have accepted millions in donations from tobacco, gambling, developing and mining industries. The Greens in NSW don’t accept donations from businesses or unions. We work only for the people we are elected to represent – the community.
2. For balance in the upper house.
After March 26, there is a danger that the conservatives will control the Upper House, with the likes of Fred Nile and the Shooters & Fishers Party having the ear of the government. The Greens bring balance to parliament, and put the values of tolerance, compassion and common sense back into the heart of NSW politics.
3. Quality candidates.
The calibre of Greens’ candidates has created a lot of excitement this election. Watch these videos of three of our lead candidates; Fiona Byrne, Jamie Parker, and David Shoebridge, and see what the buzz is about.
4. The Greens won’t sell off crucial public assets.
Schools, hospitals, power, water and public land are too important to just sell off to the highest bidder. The Greens would invest more in public services and challenge the short-term thinking that dominates modern politics.
5. For a proven track record in parliament.
Last year Greens Senators helped deliver the economic stimulus package, which safeguarded Australia from the global financial crisis. In NSW, The Greens played a key role in banning political donations from tobacco, gambling, developing and mining industries. In local government, The Greens have four mayors and 76 elected councillors who are making real changes to communities around NSW.
6. The Greens are the fastest growing party in Australia.
Last federal election, 1 in 10 people in NSW voted for The Greens. Our swing of over 4% was the highest that any party recorded last year.
7. To clean up the culture of NSW politics.
The Greens do politics differently. We are a grassroots party. We choose our candidates at the local level. We publish our policies on the internet so people can see what we stand for, and our elected representatives are accountable to those policies.
8. For a clean economy and green jobs.
The Greens have a costed plan to introduce new green jobs in renewable energy, water and public transport industries. No other major party shares this long-term vision.
9. For public transport and rail.
The Greens understand that fixing the public transport crisis in NSW requires long-term investment. The Greens have an achievable plan for an affordable, efficient public transport system that will reduce congestion as it reduces emissions.
10. Planning for people and environment.
Across NSW, communities are feeling neglected as developers ride roughshod over the interests of local communities. The Greens have a clear, positive vision for sustainable development, where decision-making rests with the community.