Friday, November 26, 2010

Media Release: Community transport plan a breath of fresh air

Newcastle Greens
John Sutton
 Newcastle candidate
26 November 2010
Community transport plan a breath of fresh air
The Greens today welcomed the public launch of Save Our Rail’s WesTrans proposal as a breath of fresh air in the debate on the future of Newcastle’s public transport system.
The Save Our Rail plan will be officially launched in Wallsend this afternoon.
“Transport policy proposals are often dominated by well resourced vested interest lobby groups, or by government agencies with development agendas, so it’s very refreshing to see a committed community-based group, motivated purely by a desire for a better public transport system, make such a positive contribution,” The Greens candidate for Newcastle, John Sutton, said.
 “Whilst the proposals in the Save Our Rail study will need to be rigorously examined and costed, they offer a set of ideas that – if implemented - would make a serious start to getting people out of their cars and on to more sustainable modes of transport.
“Lately, we’ve been barraged with double-speak from the NSW Labor government about a ‘rail-based solution’ for Newcastle while they’ve been releasing proposals to cut the city’s rail infrastructure, and we’ve had so much negativity from the local anti-rail campaign against the Newcastle rail line.
“What Save Our Rail is proposing is a genuine rail-based solution, with a significant expansion of current inter-city rail services, and new light rail services that complement heavy rail and bus services.
“The plan looks at different transport modes (including light rail) in the context of the city’s larger transport system and needs.
“This plan is a serious attempt to show how we can begin the shift from our current reliance on private motor vehicles, toward more sustainable transport, such as cycling, rail and buses.
“Save Our Rail is showing the way here, and I urge the state government to treat their proposals seriously,” Mr Sutton said.
Copies of Save Our Rail’s plan can be found on the group’s website at: